


  • 公司: 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 保定市莲池区后辛庄村
  • 联系: 王刚
  • 手机: 15720001423
  • 一键开店


2020-04-07 05:59:29  643次浏览 次浏览
价 格:600


There are many precautions to be paid attention to when using the self inlaid ecological ladder slope protection mould. I'll introduce the specific precautions of this kind of mould. Generally, this kind of mould should be cleaned and brushed with oil before use, mainly because there will be a lot of dust during the transportation of the mould, which will affect the products of the self inlaid ecological ladder slope protection mould Generally, before use, it should be cleaned. After cleaning, it can't be exposed to the sun. When exposed to the sun, it may damage the mold. We need to wipe it manually, and then we can brush the inner part of the self embedded ecological ladder slope protection mold. The purpose of painting is to facilitate demoulding. When painting, it must be even, especially in the screw and corner The location is often ignored, so we must pay attention to it, and then the mixing of concrete, which affects the quality of mold products, we must choose the right materials and the right proportion, and then use the concrete mixer for full mixing, so as to ensure the internal tightness, and in order to ensure more integration During grouting, vibration shall be carried out, and the mold shall be cleaned after use.

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